How to Lower Your Weed Tolerance

Do you ever feel as though your high isn’t lasting as long as it should (or requires more weed than it used to)? If you do, you’re not alone. THC tolerance is real, and it’s your brain’s perfectly normal response to overstimulation of the cannabinoid receptors. The best way we know to address it is called a tolerance break (or “T break”), and it typically returns you to baseline within a couple of weeks.

If you’re looking to learn how to lower weed tolerance, today’s post is for you! We’ll explain the science behind the tolerance break and what you can expect while you’re on it.

weed tolerance

How to Lower Weed Tolerance: The Science

The question of tolerance isn’t unique to cannabis. As with many other medicines, our bodies tend to build up tolerance to the effects of marijuana. Because our bodies tend to want to preserve homeostasis—a stable baseline of bodily processes—the brain reacts to a long-term excess of THC by downregulating the activity of the cannabinoid receptors it activates, called CB1 receptors. THC, of course, is the cannabinoid responsible for the marijuana plant’s euphoric experience.

How fast does THC tolerance build? That depends on a number of factors, and as with many things in the world of weed, it’s varies from person to person and therefore tough to make generalizations. One study based on a rodent model found that tolerance to regular use began to build in as little as 36 hours. But as research on cannabis tolerance suggests, when regular users engage in a tolerance break, the brain resets our CB1 cells fairly quickly, generally within a month or less.

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Planning Your Tolerance Break: Best Practices

For some of us, resetting our THC tolerance may be irritating or inconvenient. For others—such as those who rely on medical cannabis—the implications may be more more acute. Either way, we’d like to help you get the most benefit with the least aggravation.

This means paying attention to your physical and emotional state. Unfortunately, there is the possibility during your tolerance break, you may experience cannabis withdrawal symptoms, including:
Changes in mood such as irritability and restlessness

  • Difficulty getting to sleep
  • A loss of focus, or depression
  • Headaches

If you should experience any of these side effects during your tolerance break, we recommend you rest, stay hydrated, and seek out healthy foods and healthy habits. While these symptoms may be unpleasant, they generally aren’t considered dangerous. In our experience, they typically subside within a couple of days.

Here’s something else to consider: Though it may sound counterintuitive, research indicates that the majority of us actually get a greater benefit from lower doses of cannabis. That’s the theory behind microdosing, or taking very small doses of marijuana in order to address chronic symptoms such as pain, insomnia, or anxiety. When you return to cannabis, becoming more mindful of the dosages you are taking might help prevent rebuilding your tolerance too quickly.

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Resetting Your THC Tolerance: Wrapping Up

We sincerely hope this information is useful if you’re seeking to lower your weed tolerance! Even if taking a tolerance break may not sound appealing, we know that it’s a great way to reset your system, get a fresh perspective, and—if you so choose—return to marijuana with renewed appreciation and understanding.

On a related note, many of our customers wonder: how long does THC stay in your system? We’ve written about that important question, too. if you have any other questions about THC tolerance, don’t hesitate to ask. We’re always here to help!

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